AGM - 7th February 2024

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Roger Shephard
Posts: 125
Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:20 pm

AGM - 7th February 2024

Post by Roger Shephard » Fri Jan 19, 2024 2:35 pm

Hi Everybody

No sooner have we got over Christmas and New Year celebrations but the next big event in our calendars is the NewForce AGM.

This will be held on Wednesday 7th February 2024 starting at 8.00 pm and will elect Club Officers and Committee Members, and will examine reports submitted by the Membership Officer and the Club Treasurer. The business of the AGM is usually a fairly quick process and will be followed by a regular Ordinary Meeting where we will look at technical matters about ride venues and forward plans, website and Facebook issues, and any other business raised by members generally.

Any member can attend and have a say in how the club operates but voting is restricted to Club Officers, so I hope to see you at the meeting if you can make it. The venue will be at the home of Eleanor Rutter by kind invitation thus repeating her having hosted the meeting last year. If you want to attend please PM her to get address and directions, and to give her notice of how many attendees there will be.

Best regards

Roger Shephard

Posts: 651
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:36 pm

Re: AGM - 7th February 2024

Post by Clive » Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:12 pm


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