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BBQ ride - all deposits paid now, thank you

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:08 pm
by PenHarrison
Thanks to everyone who has paid their £10 per head deposit for the BBQ ride on 23rd July.

The following people have put their name down for the BBQ but HAVE NOT YET paid their deposits:

Emma D - NOW PAID, thank you
Pete D - NOW PAID, thank you
Mark C - NOW PAID, thank you
Mark C's friend - NOW PAID, thank you
Sue M
Patrick S - NOW PAID, thank you
Susan S - NOW PAID, thank you
Craig B - NOW PAID, thank you

Please check your email inbox for details of Newforce's bank account and make payment of your £10 deposit as soon as possible please. If you don't have an email, it's because you signed up late, but no problem, just please pay the usual NEWFORCE bank account.

Many thanks,

Pen x